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Classification of surfactants by common methods
2019-11-27 15:37:14

Surfactant is a kind of substance which can make the interface state of solution system change obviously. Surfactants have fixed hydrophilic and lipophilic groups, and can be arranged on the surface of the solution. The molecular structure of surfactant is amphiphilic, one end is hydrophilic group, the other end is hydrophobic group.

surface active agent

Generally, hydrophilic groups are polar groups, such as amino acid and sulfuric acid, and hydrophobic groups are non-polar hydrocarbon chains. There are also some classifications of surfactants, including ionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants, amphoteric surfactants, compound surfactants, other surfactants and so on.

Surfactants are generally classified into:

1. Anionic surfactant, representative: amino acid surfactant, soap based surfactant, sulfuric acid ester surfactant.

2. Cationic surfactant, on behalf of: this, I don't want to "give me a chestnut". This cleanser doesn't use much, not much.

3, non-ionic surfactants, on behalf of: fatty acid monoglyceride (had to be in Tucao once, a brand said that the cleanser contains no emulsifier, no surfactant, in fact, it is this kind of surfactants, I bah.) , glucose esters.

4. Amphoteric surfactant, representative: betaine.

Among them, 1 ~ 3 surfactants are called ionic surfactants.